Severe Weather Can Occur Anywhere, Anytime. Do YOU Have A Disaster Plan In Place?
Posted: June 26, 2013
The best time to protect yourself, your family and your property in the event of a severe weather alert, is BEFORE it happens. Preparedness is everything. Here are some easy simple steps that you can do ahead of time that will assist you and your family in most disaster situations when the time comes. Build an emergency supply kit – Include items of non-perishable food,...
Pet Owners, Do You Have an Emergency Plan In Place For Your Pet?
Posted: May 30, 2012
Having a pre-arranged arrangement for your pet(s) should be part of a household disaster plan, in the event you must evacuate your home. It is always wise and humane to take your pets with you, but unfortunately only trained service dogs are allowed in emergency shelters due to public health and safety reasons. You will need to have another plan specifically for your pet in...