Older Drivers Are Becoming A Higher Risk On The Highways. Here's why..
Posted: August 26, 2013
The shift in today’s workforce numbers are indicating that there’s an increase of older adults staying in the workforce instead of retiring. Statistics show that among the 65 and older, 18.5% are still working. Those numbers have created a safety challenge throughout the nation. Reason being, that senior motorists whom are traveling to and from work, will experience the age-related deterioration in their driving skills...
Have A Teenage Driver? Know The Laws Of Your State And Talk About Them Together
Posted: June 7, 2013
Getting a license is a big and exciting deal in your teen’s life, so share in the experience by acknowledging the accomplishment and be supportive of your teen’s growing independence. However, make certain that you discuss the responsibility that comes along with this achievement as well. Here are some key points to think about: Start Sooner Than Later – Start to initiate the driving dialogue...
Take the Pledge: Safe Texting Campaign
Posted: March 21, 2012
There isn’t much of a difference between drinking & driving and texting & driving, both are deemed dangerous and have been known to be fatal. Numerous studies have shown that talking or texting on a cell phone has the same effect on your driving ability as drinking. While many states have adopted the law restricting cell phone usage during driving, the problem still continues to...