Have A Teenage Driver? Know The Laws Of Your State And Talk About Them Together
Posted: June 7, 2013
Getting a license is a big and exciting deal in your teen’s life, so share in the experience by acknowledging the accomplishment and be supportive of your teen’s growing independence. However, make certain that you discuss the responsibility that comes along with this achievement as well. Here are some key points to think about: Start Sooner Than Later – Start to initiate the driving dialogue...
Educating Young Drivers About The Risks of Distraction Driving
Posted: June 22, 2012
Texting, emailing, talking on cell phones, even reading on electronic devices all while driving has become a major safety issue on our roads today. This is especially holds true for our young teen drivers where studies indicate that 16% of the distracted driver fatalities are the 20-and-under age group. Additionally, The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention did a study indicating that out of 15,000...