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Tag: Homeowners Policy

How To Weather The Winter Storms? Winterize Your Home.

Freezing temperatures and winter weather can cause havoc with your home. The best way to avoid any future mishaps is to be sure that you have taken the proper steps to winterize it. If you haven’t done so already, now will be a good time as any to tackle that project just before the snowy weather is in full swing. Here are some great ideas:...

Homeowners Insurance Trivia: When A Neighbor’s Tree Hits Your House, Who Pays?

Believe it or not, you do. Or rather your homeowners insurance does. Most tree-falling incidents are generally caused by “acts of God” such as ice, heavy winds, lighting, wind and snow, and are considered uncontrollable events which no one is held liable for the destruction that it creates. So, in that case, if your home is struck by a neighbor's tree during a storm, your homeowner insurance will cover the damage done to your house, as well...

Home Assurance: As Cold Weather Grows Near, Winter Maintenance Will Be Needed

          Heating systems, fireplaces, wood stoves, roofs, gutters and downspouts are all things that need to be considered as a part of regular winter maintenance regime. Taking the time to be sure that these are all in working order before the onset of the winter months will eliminate any potential freeze ups and/or damage done to your home. Heating Systems: Have...

Tips on Insuring Your College Student

College students and parents alike are overwhelmed with the cost of tuition, books and settling into the new life at the dorms. But there are other concerns that could drive the already considerable costs through the roof. Issues such as stolen property, a car wreck as well as an injury or illness, all need to be addressed.       Auto Insurance If your student...

Hurricane Season and Your Homeowners Insurance: Do You Have A Hurricane Deductible?

Every year the entire eastern seaboard is either threatened or ravaged by hurricanes, tropical storms or tropical depressions during what is considered hurricane season which runs from June 1st through November 30th. In 2005, Hurricane Katrina had caused $41 billion dollars in devastation that the reinsurance companies realized they could not assume so much risk and that the primary companies needed to reduce their potential...